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The EU Innovation Fund (EUIF) is one of the world's largest programs for advancing low-carbon technologies. It supports projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions through methods like carbon capture and storage (CCS), renewable energy, and energy storage.

Whether your project is small (€2.5M - €20M), medium (€20M - €100M), or large (over €100M), the EUIF offers grants to help bring your breakthrough ideas to life. The program aims at helping projects that are nearly ready for commercial launch but still need some support. In some cases, projects with significant costs that make commercialization difficult without public support can also receive funding. 

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between €10-300M



at least TRL 8



Depends on call



Single Applicant or Consortium


The application process usually has two steps:

  1. Expression of Interest: Here, your project is evaluated based on its effectiveness in reducing greenhouse gases, its level of innovation, and its maturity.

  2. Full Application: This step involves a more detailed assessment, including greenhouse gas reduction, innovation, project maturity, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

When writing your application, you should detail the project's innovation, document its potential to reduce GHG emissions, and describe its maturity, including technical, financial, operational, and risk factors. Be sure to include information on the project's scalability and cost efficiency, using the EUIF's detailed budget/financial module and Work Package descriptions.

Most projects funded by this program are capital-intensive and require long-term preparation. Your project plan should be divided into two phases: before financial close (including starting the project, site preparation, acquiring permits, etc.) and the actual operation phase, which may last over 10 years. 

Read more about the specific details of this program


Please note that this is an estimate based on our experience working with this grant and available information.

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